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Week #41 Wrap-up


Hi, friends!

It's been a fairly productive week, as you can see. ADHD almost always feels like a burden, but then there are these days when I look back at what I was able to accomplish and I'm thankful. Perhaps, it makes finishing tasks take way longer than it should (especially the dreaded 2nd draft), but it also allows me to make continual progress on so many different projects at once.

I wish I could look at ADHD as a superpower. I don't.

I do understand that my brain needs the constant stimulation and excitement of juggling all these divergent ideas to look forward to showing up every day.

So, let's break down which tasks I was able to complete this week.

ROAN1: Book 1 of my new series is SO close to being finished. It's now in the hands of the final editor and I'm dancing somewhere between awe and pig-squealing excitement.

I can't believe I actually finished one of my novels!

Like, it's done.


I've been working on this book off and on for about eleven years...

That's crazy!

Anyways, I still have lots to do before release. The biggest priority is going to be the rewrite of books two and three. Now, with a fairly clear understanding of what I need to do, I'm hoping to complete both of them relatively quick. Albeit, anything faster than eleven years is a win in my case.

I will be posting here and on social media the release dates and fun things I've been working on as giveaways soon.

SCS: I didn't get to finish this task in the amount of time I was hoping for. I struggled a bit with the sequence of a few scenes. I'm still in the process of untangling them. I was hoping to get it done last week so I could send it to beta's, but I want to get it in well before the deadline and I just don't think I'm going to have time.

Vella #8: I did manage to finally finish this episode. I'm still not impressed with Kindle Vella overall, but I'd like to get out from under this really fun story and move onto other projects that I'm even more excited about.

ROAN3 Cover: Up to this point, I have been the one to create all of my covers, so I never realized how much went into hiring someone else to do the cover. (Hint: it's actually a lot of work.) I've run into issues before, so now I know I need to fill out the entire prompt and info packet as well as create a visual guide so they get a feel for what I'm looking for. It took a couple of hours over two or three days.

Newsletter: I know, I know. It's ridiculous how hard I have to work at creating and sending out a newsletter and blog post. I'm a fiction writer and if I don't put it on my very public to-do list, I will do an amazing impression of a toddler—if I can't see it, it doesn't exist.

I did do a fair amount more than is shown on my list, but these were the big-ticket items this week.

Now, that I've droned on for an age and a half, I want to hear from you! Tell me about how your week went. Did you get everything done, or still working on tasks? Did you work off of a to-do list or wing it?

I'd love to hear about it! Drop a comment below.

And if you've read this far and you're not bored to tears, come be my friend on social media and let's talk all things fantasy and bookish.

Until next time,



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